You can learn more about Groombridge and Hartfield Medical Group by clicking on the links below for further information:
Patient Access to Medical Records
The NHS wants to provide patients with better ways to access their personal health information online. As your GP practice, we have been asked to give you access to your...
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
All GP practices in the UK are required to have a Patient Participation Group (PPG). These groups offer a collective, independent voice for patients, helping practices understand and meet their...
Are you a Carer? Do you look after someone who couldn’t manage without your help? Whether they need support due to illness, frailty, disability, mental health challenges, or addiction, if...
Local Health and Community Groups
There are lots of exciting things happening in our local community. The information on this page is dedicated to local groups, events, services and organisations within our community that support...
Online Services
Online Services have been developed over the past few years and are designed to give you, the patient, more convenience, choice and flexibility in how and when you contact and...
Update Your Details
Please notify the surgery as soon as possible of any changes to your contact details, such as your name, address, email, mobile, or landline number, or if any of your...
Chaperone Policy
We operate the following Chaperone Policy at this Practice: 1. Any patient can request a chaperone for any physical examination. 2. Before performing an intimate examination, your doctor or nurse...
Private Fees and Non-NHS Services
All general medical services provided by this Practice remain, of course, free under NHS regulations. GPs will always attempt to assist their patients, but it is important to understand that...
GP Training and Education
Our practice is accredited by the GP Deanery of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex as a suitable practice for doctors in training. This means that we regularly have GP trainees and...
Local Services and Out of Hours
NHS 111 111 is the free NHS non-emergency number. You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation....
Disabled Access and Accessible Information Standards
Accessible Information Standard From 1 August 2016 onwards, all organisations providing NHS care and/or publicly-funded adult social care are legally required to follow the Accessible Information Standard. This Standard outlines...
Complaints or Compliments
We endeavour to provide a friendly and helpful service to all our patients at all times. We are always happy to pass on positive feedback and compliments to our staff...
Privacy Notice
This privacy notice explains why we collect information about you, how that information will be used, how we keep it safe and confidential and what your rights are in relation...
Violent or Abusive Behaviour
Groombridge and Hartfield Medical Group supports the government’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ campaign for Health Service staff. This campaign states that GPs and their staff have the right to care for others...
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 17th October, 2024