GP Training and Education

Our practice is accredited by the GP Deanery of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex as a suitable practice for doctors in training. This means that we regularly have GP trainees and Foundation Year doctors working with us at the surgery. During their time here, these doctors become integral members of our team and valuable resources for our patients.

We find that having junior clinicians on board keeps us up to date with the latest medical knowledge, brings fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to our team, and contributes to the development of the NHS workforce for the future.

Foundation Year Doctors (F2s)
When a doctor completes medical school, they embark on a two-year foundation training program. During their second year, they spend four months with us in general practice, working under the close supervision of our experienced GPs. F2 doctors are allocated longer appointment slots, as they require more time than qualified GPs to effectively manage each individual case. By the end of their training with us, these doctors will have begun to demonstrate the essential skills needed to pursue their chosen career paths, whether in general practice or another specialty.

Registrar Doctors
A GP Registrar, or GP Trainee, is a qualified doctor who is training to become a General Practitioner (GP) through a period of training within general practice. They are employed by one of the GP partners at the practice, who acts as their trainer. Throughout their training, GP Registrars develop essential skills allowing them to gain a better understanding of healthcare before specialising in general practice.

In order to successfully complete their training, GP Registrars need to be assessed on their consulting skills by specially appointed assessors who review video recordings of the Registrars’ consultations. You may be asked to have your consultation recorded for this purpose. If you agree, you will be asked to sign a written consent form. Rest assured, complete confidentiality will be maintained, and the video recording will be used solely for educational purposes.

Medical Students
We sometimes have first year medical students attending the practice to experience the work we do. During their time with us, these students may sit in with our doctors or nurses. Patients will always be asked whether they are comfortable with students being present before their consultation with the doctor.


Date published: 13th October, 2014
Date last updated: 17th October, 2024